In Ethiopia again.

I’m currently travelling around fascinating and wonderful Ethiopia with its ancient history and religious cultures, both Christian and Muslim. Before Ethiopia, I was in Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea and Djibouti. I crossed overland from Djibouti City to Harar in East Ethiopia, where I spent a couple days exploring the old, medieval Islamic walled town – the fourth most important destination in Muslim culture and history. Eventually, a loong 11 hour coach journey brought me to Addis Ababa,

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Tony enjoying a traditional Nuba drum and dance ceremony in Omdurman

The sounds of the drums and singing/chanting by local Nuba people on a Friday afternoon/evening in Omdurman, the Islamic city of Khartoum. This is a religious event with locals sending offerings to God through their singing, drumming and dance. The Nuba or Sufi dance includes whirling Dervishes and fire dancers.

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Video – Pyramid of Userkaf, Saqqara, Egypt

Tony walking through a low and narrow passage leading from the tomb inside the Pyramid of Userkaf, to the outside. The large burial chamber is located at Saqqara, ancient Necropolis of Memphis, on the west bank of the River Nile, south of Cairo. The tomb is empty, but carvings are visible on the inner walls. A steep slope leads downwards from the entrance at a steep angle into the tomb.

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Riding a Felucca on the river Nile

Tony and his Greek girlfriend/partner riding a Felucca, a traditional Egyptian sailboat on the river Nile in Cairo, capital of Egypt. A lovely way to spend an hour or two :)

The journey along the Nile continued. Central Cairo with its Garden City on one side and Giza with its ancient pyramids on the other bank.

Tony is holding the large wooden rudder of the Felucca and,

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